Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the other wonderful moms in the world. It is a big job and I just want to say thanks to my Mom for all the intangible gifts you have given - they really are the best!

Love and hugs,

Randy, Mommy, and Tina (me) circa 1964


Michelle said...

Happy Mom's day to you Tina!

Be well my friend!


Tina said...

Thanks Michelle and back atcha!

Hugs, Tina

Anonymous said...

Tina ... you've always been a special gift and a joy to me. I'm so very proud of you as you travel through your life and enrich the lives of many other people. I'm very blessed to call you my daughter. I thank you for the tribute.
Hugs and kisses ... Mom

Tina said...

You're Welcome!